Maladaptive Coping Strategies- Times When Our Choices To Help Ourselves Can Make Our Problem Worse

My Top 10 coping strategies

Teaching kids deep breathing

Making these skills fun and always finding unique ways to practice can be an overall benefit, not only to your children but to your own stress as well

Using visual aids can be extremely beneficial during times of high stress, such as a panic attack, when we are not able to focus on the timing of our breath. Instead mirroring something that we can see in front of us or that we can trace with our finger can decrease the time it takes for us to relax our stress response. Check out my future blogs for more tips on Panic Attacks.

Below is a good, free visual aid for adults and children:

Benefits of Deep Breathing

*this post will contain amazon affiliated purchasing links as well as links to free resources

Deep breathing is likely something you have heard about before, but do you know why it is beneficial and what it does in your body when you’re stressed?

First, lets talk about our stress response. It is the brain’s reaction to perceived dangers- this can be a car suddenly pulling out in front of you or simply walking into a room full of new people. That stress response increases your heart rate, your breathing, and releases neurochemicals to help your fight or flee from that danger- the fight or flight response. When there is no real danger to run from or fight off, we have to be the ones to turn off that response in our brain. Deep breathing helps us tell our brain to shut off the response because it helps us to calm our heart rate back down.

Deep breathing is when we breath slowly in through our nose, hold it for a few seconds, and then slowly out through our mouth. If you place your hand on your stomach you should feel it rise and fall with each breath. This may sound simple but it can feel very difficult when we are really stressed. That is why consistent practice of it can not only ease our daily stress but it also makes deep breathing more effective when we are facing a sudden stressor.

Two great ways to practice are the 5-5-5 or the 4-7-8 models:

Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, release for 5 seconds and repeat at least 5 times

Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and release for 8 seconds and repeat at least 5 times