What’s Feeding Your Kid’s Bad Behaviors?
Are you struggling with a constantly irritable, anxious, lethargic, or depressed mood-set or behaviors in your school age children or teens? Your child’s diet can be affecting their behaviors and mood. Whether you are seeing mild behavioral and mood changes or more moderate to severe ones, addressing what your family is eating can be an major step to improvement.
Your 2nd Brain-The Gut- & How Much It Influences Mental Health
Learn about what occurs in your digestive tract (gut) that can also influence what occurs psychologically in your brain, impacting one’s stress and mental health, even to the point of developing mental illnesses.
Seasonal Allergies & Stress
Are you starting to feel like life is one continuous cycle from colds to seasonal allergies- find out one possible reason why. Learn how your seasonal allergies can be impacting your mental health as well as how your mental health can be impacting those seasonal allergies!