The Teenage Brain- Parenting Strategies
Discover parenting strategies to help you meet your teen where they are developmentally. Address typical teenage angst as well as larger concerns for their mental health.
What You Need To Know About Your Teen’s Brain
How can you tell when behaviors and feelings are part of typical teenage angst or something more concerning? Learn about the teenage brain and how its development impacts the changes in your teen’s behaviors and emotions.
When Your Loved One Has ADHD- a look at the impact of ADHD on adult relationships
Building an understanding of the psychological and biological impacts of ADHD can be critical for BOTH partners in a relationship, meaning those with ADHD and their partner. Learn about what you may need to know and why it can make a big difference in maintaining a healthy relationship.
When Your ‘Trauma Armor’ Begins To Weigh You Down
When we experience trauma it can sometimes be necessary to build psychological armor to protect ourselves emotionally during our times of need. Wearing that “armor” for too long, though, can weigh us down and keep us stuck or numb. Could you be wearing your armor too long or what might that even look like? This blog is about the ways we cope with trauma, emotional abuse, or prolonged stress and some of the strategies to regain control if those coping skills begin to work against us.
What’s Feeding Your Kid’s Bad Behaviors?
Are you struggling with a constantly irritable, anxious, lethargic, or depressed mood-set or behaviors in your school age children or teens? Your child’s diet can be affecting their behaviors and mood. Whether you are seeing mild behavioral and mood changes or more moderate to severe ones, addressing what your family is eating can be an major step to improvement.
Your 2nd Brain-The Gut- & How Much It Influences Mental Health
Learn about what occurs in your digestive tract (gut) that can also influence what occurs psychologically in your brain, impacting one’s stress and mental health, even to the point of developing mental illnesses.
Self Sabotage-Why We Do It & How To Stop
There are so many reasons why someone may unknowingly sabotage their own happiness or success, and we all do it in some degree at some point, but when it becomes chronic it can signal greater concerns. This blog is about how to recognize and address self sabotaging behavior.
What Are Your Cognitive Distortions- We All Have Them
How might inaccuracies in your thinking be impacting your daily stress and what can it be doing long-term? This blog has information about some of the cognitive distortions that we all experience at times and strategies to address them- good for adults, teens, and clinicians