Let’s Talk About Shame- Yes, You Really Should!
Latest, Strategies for Adults and Teens, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Latest, Strategies for Adults and Teens, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

Let’s Talk About Shame- Yes, You Really Should!

Shame is something that can be deeply woven into our everyday interactions, thoughts, and feelings, yet it is rarely a topic among friends, family, or loved ones. We often struggle in shame alone, believing the negative constructs that we don’t allow anyone else to shatter for us. So lets talk about it- how does shame build, how does it latch on, and how can it finally be unwritten.

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The Boundaries We Don’t Often Talk About- The One’s With Ourselves
Latest, Trauma, Strategies for Adults and Teens Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Latest, Trauma, Strategies for Adults and Teens Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

The Boundaries We Don’t Often Talk About- The One’s With Ourselves

We hear the phrase “boundaries” everywhere at times and there is ample access to great information out there on what boundaries are and how to help yourself set them, but one aspect that often gets passed over is the idea of setting boundaries with ourselves. It’s something we actually do constantly, but perhaps unconsciously.

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Trauma Bonding- It Might Not Be What You Think It Is
Latest, Trauma, Narcissism Series Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Latest, Trauma, Narcissism Series Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

Trauma Bonding- It Might Not Be What You Think It Is

In our current culture, trauma bonding is often misrepresented as a shared experience between two individuals who both have histories of trauma and feel a sense of connection or understanding of each other from those experiences. Clinically, though, trauma bonding is quite the opposite of understanding or a mutual connection. Clinically, trauma bonding is abusive. This is why the misrepresentation is so important to address. Learn what trauma bonding is, how it occurs, and how to help break free from it.

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How Trauma Changes You From The Inside Out
Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

How Trauma Changes You From The Inside Out

In the United States, 70% of adults have experienced a traumatic event in their life. Trauma can physiologically and structurally create changes in our body and brains. The earlier and longer we experience trauma, the more significant those changes may be. Addressing them, though, can lead to impactful change and relief.

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The Growing Imprint of Childhood Trauma
Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

The Growing Imprint of Childhood Trauma

In the US, it is estimated that 1 in 4 children will witness violence at home. Trauma is not a standalone event- meaning the impacts of it often ripple from those traumatized to those they interact with each day. Addressing trauma is a community need. This blog will address those individual and community impacts.

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Trauma and Rage
Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

Trauma and Rage

Does the world seem angrier? Learn about the relationship between those bursts of rage you may experience or see in others around you and a history of trauma.

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When Your ‘Trauma Armor’ Begins To Weigh You Down
Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Latest, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

When Your ‘Trauma Armor’ Begins To Weigh You Down

When we experience trauma it can sometimes be necessary to build psychological armor to protect ourselves emotionally during our times of need. Wearing that “armor” for too long, though, can weigh us down and keep us stuck or numb. Could you be wearing your armor too long or what might that even look like? This blog is about the ways we cope with trauma, emotional abuse, or prolonged stress and some of the strategies to regain control if those coping skills begin to work against us.

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The Secret Life of Living With a Narcissist Part 2-In The Family
Narcissism Series, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Narcissism Series, Trauma Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

The Secret Life of Living With a Narcissist Part 2-In The Family

Part 2 of this series on narcissists focuses on the narcissist in the family unit and their impact on their spouse and children. It will look at trauma responses in children, boundary difficulties into adulthood, common manipulations used against their children and spouse, and breaking generational trauma. The following blogs in this series will look at co-parenting and divorcing a narcissist.

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What Are Your Cognitive Distortions- We All Have Them
Strategies for Adults and Teens, Trauma, Latest Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Strategies for Adults and Teens, Trauma, Latest Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

What Are Your Cognitive Distortions- We All Have Them

How might inaccuracies in your thinking be impacting your daily stress and what can it be doing long-term? This blog has information about some of the cognitive distortions that we all experience at times and strategies to address them- good for adults, teens, and clinicians

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What Is EMDR & How Can It Help With Trauma
Trauma, Different Types of Therapy Explained Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC Trauma, Different Types of Therapy Explained Jaclyn Wesolowski, MA, LCPC

What Is EMDR & How Can It Help With Trauma

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy is a clinically validated form of psychotherapy to treat PTSD, Trauma, and Anxiety. It is now being used to help treat OCD, Depression, and Chronic Pain as well. I’ll describe how EMDR therapy works and some things to expect if you are looking to begin it. This article is for adults, teens, and clinicians

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